Fire rated door with fire hose beside it

Fire Safety is a trusted and reliable supplier of high-quality fire-rated doors in the Philippines. Our products are designed to keep you safe during an emergency and minimise damage to your property.

Apart from fire-rated doors, we also offer an array of first-grade fire safety equipment like fire extinguishers, fire hoses and fire blankets.

Components of a Fire-Rated Door

The main components of a fire-rated door are:

  • Smoke seal
  • Hardware like door hinges and handles
  • Vision panel

A vision panel allows fire responders to view the inside of the building during a fire to visually assess it.

Fire-Rated Door Ratings

Fire Rated Door

Below are some important ratings to take note of when getting a fire-rated door.

  • Fire Endurance Ratings

    Fire-rated doors are usually certified with a fire endurance rating of 20, 45, 60, 90 or 180 minutes. These ratings represent the time that a door can withstand exposure to a fire.

  • Temperature-Rise Ratings

    Temperature-rise ratings specify the expected surface temperature of the side of the door that is not exposed to the fire.

    This rating indicates the door’s ability to limit heat transfer during a fire which is helpful when evacuating a burning building.

Why Choose Fire Safety PH?

Superior-Quality Fire Safety Equipment

Our range of fire safety equipment are designed to fight fires efficiently and offer you maximum protection during an emergency.

Fire Safety Education

As a provider of fire safety equipment and services, we are committed to helping you understand the importance of fire safety through the provision of practical and effective firefighting knowledge.