Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher on pallet

Fire Safety PH is a supplier for high-quality extinguishers and fire safety equipment in Manila.

Our products seek to aid our clients in preventing and fighting deadly fires.

Fire Extinguishers We Supply

We supply businesses with first-grade extinguishers that are used to fight different classes of fires.

1KG ABC Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher

ABC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

This ABC Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher is designed to target Class A, B and C fires that are caused by combustible solids, liquids or gases. The dry powder extinguisher puts out the fire by removing oxygen from the area.

2KG CO2 Fire Extinguisher

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishers

Class B and electrical fires require a CO2 Fire Extinguisher. As fires are fuelled by oxygen, these CO2 extinguishers will replace the oxygen in the area by discharging carbon dioxide at high pressure.

Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers

Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers are used for light fire hazards and can be suitable for both commercial and industrial settings.

Class D Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher

Class D Fire Extinguishers

Class D Fire Extinguishers are caused by combustible metals. Thus, this type of fire extinguisher is strongly recommended for businesses that deal with metals frequently such as manufacturing facilities and laboratories.

9L Foam Fire Extinguisher

Foam Fire Extinguishers

This type of AFFF Foam Fire Extinguisher is most suitable for dealing with flammable solids and liquids, particularly Class A and B fires. The fire is put out by spraying the foam such that it covers the combustible material.

9KG ABE Dry Powder Marine Fire Extinguisher

Marine Fire Extinguishers

Our Marine Fire Extinguishers come in the form of foam, dry powder and CO2 extinguishers. We offer both normal and wheeled extinguishers to suit your respective needs.

6L Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers are suitable for Class K fires caused by cooking fat and various types of oil. This type of fire often starts from the kitchen and can become big and deadly very quickly.

How To Choose A Fire Extinguisher

  • Class Of Fire

    To select the right fire extinguisher, it is crucial to identify the flammable materials or hazards present on your property.

    This will help in determining the class of fire that may occur and the right extinguisher that your business needs.

  • Purpose And Usage

    Aside from evaluating the fire hazards present at your workplace, you should consider the usage situation of the fire extinguisher.

    For example, a large manufacturing facility is likely to require a large, wheelable fire extinguisher as compared to a small office space.

Why Choose Fire Safety PH?

Quality Equipment

At Fire Safety PH, we seek to provide effective and high-quality fire fighting equipment to all our clients and customers.

Fire Safety Education

Apart from being a supplier of fire fighting products, we also strive to equip our clients and customers with the relevant knowledge on fire safety and protection.